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architecture in a celebration society

Recently, a prominent architect informed me that he is an ally of ours. I expect that he will in future help to guide us as we organize teams of people to build the first Celebration Society, either in simulation (as I have proposed) or in physical form. I also expect that he will eventually blog […]

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A collaborative creation (more thoughts)

I’ve always viewed a Celebration Society as a collaborative process. After all, if people don’t collaborate in its creation, how will they feel any sense of ownership? When I wrote the book, it was basically the pulling together of a lot of different ideas from a lot of different people. I didn’t really create very […]

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What’s wrong with a Celebration Society?

In this world, however much we might wish it otherwise, there is no perfection to be found. Every beautiful thing has its limitations or deficiencies. Even mathematics has Godel’s Incompleteness Theorems. So, too, must a Celebration Society be imperfect. This is not to say that I regard it as falling short of being utopian, for […]

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Continuous process improvement

Those of us who are old enough will remember the 1950s, when “Japanese import” meant balsa wood trinkets. Several decades later, the first Japanese cars started appearing in the US. They were widely derided as cheap looking, rust-prone tin cans, at first. No longer. In recent years, Japanese cars have led the world in reliability […]

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Future solution to terrorism?

I expect that the US government has already figured out how to end much of the world’s terrorism in the next several decades. This opinion is based on the following facts: 1. Drone strikes are already being used against terrorists. 2. A set of technologies will soon converge to make such strikes far more effective, […]

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What Else Have We Lost or Misunderstood?

In the book, I spend a fair amount of time examining important aspects of society that appear inverted from their optimum functioning. However, my perspective may not have been broad enough. I recently learned that the way we humans sleep is quite different from how we are biologically wired to sleep. I don’t just mean […]

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Transportation Systems

Transportation systems in a Celebration Society are, of course, important. As I see it, they need to be reliable, largely automated (excepting slow speed conveyances and walking), pollution free, and quiet. I imagine curving walkways, divided into sections for slow speed (walking), and medium speed (bikes, scooters). As I see it, we will likely have […]

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Your Oar in the Water

Those of us who appreciate the potential of a Celebration Society can also see that there’s a lot to be done between here and there. It will require many talents; many perspectives–and much energy. But, as the Vikings proved in traveling to North America, even an ocean can be crossed in a well-crafted vessel through […]

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Perils of Utopian Science for Societal Design

One of the earliest books that could be called utopian was Edward Bellamy’s Looking Backward. It described a future scientific society, devoid of competition, in which everything was run scientifically. It was all to be rational and orderly. As a 16 year old, I was captivated by his vision. I later realized, with hindsight, that […]